Please make sure that you purchase the 64-bit version and you can download the appropriate version of ZBrushCore for your operating system, either Win64 or Mac. See the ZBrush download page for information on the available versions.
If you have any questions about the functionality of a product on a particular computer, please contact us and we will be happy to answer your question.
File formats
When exporting a model for use in ZBrush or 3ds Max, save it in either FBX, OBJ or (relatively recent versions of) the newer Z file format. For ZBrush, the Z file format can be opened natively in ZBrush, or exported from other programs. For ZBrushCore, the Z file format can be opened natively in ZBrushCore.
If you plan on using Blender, import your OBJ file using the "OBJ" format. This ensures that Blender will always render in 3ds Max or ZBrush.
If you plan on using 3ds Max, import your FBX file using the "FBX" format. This ensures that you can export your file in 3ds Max or ZBrush.
Due to the prevalence of 2D and 2.5D figures in the software industry, the FBX file format is a good choice for storing scaled 2D figures. For 3D figures, OBJ,.obj (opengl) and.vtu (opengl-vtu) are the file formats most commonly used.
When exporting your model for ZBrush or 3ds Max, the file format that is used should match the file format that the software uses internally.
If you plan on using Blender, import your.obj file using the "OBJ" format. This ensures that Blender will always render in 3ds Max or ZBrush.
If you plan on using 3ds Max, import your.fbx file using the "FBX" format. This ensures that you can export your file in 3ds Max or ZBrush.
Note: if you plan on importing an image into ZBrush or 3ds Max, make sure that the image format is not uncompressed.
Note: sometimes the.fbx format can be opened with the "FBX" format. This depends on your operating system.
Note: sometimes the.obj format can be opened with the "OBJ"
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