Your plugin declares it's variables like:
You may then access these via the following:
The above references the variables declared as above. So the following should work:
var sendcontrol = 0;
var sendtrans = 0;
var sendlevel = 0;
var incontrol = 0;
var incontrol2 = 0;
var incontrol3 = 0;
var incontrol4 = 0;
var incontrol5 = 0;
var incontrol6 = 0;
var incontrol7 = 0;
var incontrol8 = 0;
var incontrol9 = 0;
var sendtontant = 1;
var sendtontant2 = 1;
var sendtontant3 = 1;
var sendtontant4 = 1;
var sendtontant5 = 1;
var sendtontant6 = 1;
var sendtontant7 = 1;
var sendtontant8 = 1;
var sendtontant9 = 1;
var sentropt = {
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In the old days, it was easy. Before WAVES was bought by Sony, it was the only software of that type. You paid for the physical version. At that time, the best way was to make your own hard copy, one for each song, which was the only way to get it to work. The only reason it would work on non-Sony CD players was because the CD player would recognize the hard-copy and play it.
Nowadays, people use the FREE download software on sites like the WAVES site. The software won't work on all CD players, but it will work with most. When you pay for a download, there is no way to tell what brand of CD player the software can actually work on. That's why they're sold by the brand of CD player they're designed for.
, at least. … The producers did not help any, because they were very rude and inconsiderate to her. She was in front of the audience every moment, trying to say something. She had to overcome a lot, because they were all against her. But she did it!”
As the production moved to other towns, where it was presented under new directors, the actress found herself fighting against a familiar foe.
“When we arrived in Innsbruck, I found the same director again, and he asked me not to bring Dietrich because he said that I was difficult to work with,” she recalls. “But I said, ‘No, I can’t work without Dietrich. And I am not difficult to work with.’ So, after this, he said, ‘OK, you can bring Dietrich, but she will not appear in the show,’ and he wouldn’t even let me have a role with her. So she got the role for me, but she couldn’t even make it.”
In Innsbruck, with director Günter Weisser, Bernhard was in her element. Her work in “Marat/Sade” had afforded her the opportunity to play a variety of characters, and she excelled.
“I think her great success with the Innsbruck production was that she played all of the roles in ‘Marat/Sade,’” says theater historian Karl-Heinz Peters
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